Nancy Franke Workshop

Many of my Chastain Arts Center friends raved about Nancy Franke and her workshops. They all said I would love her energy, her passion, her enthusiasm and, naturally, her talent. They were right!

Nancy led a workshop at Quinlan Arts Center in early November. She focused on loose brush strokes, simplifying shapes and putting your heart and soul into your art. What I loved about this workshop is that she got right to it. In the last workshop I took at Quinlan, we had a mixing paints 101 session, which was way too basic.

True sign of an artist ... a roll of paper towels tucked under your arm :)

She uses her fingers and paper towels to move the paint around, erase and redraw. She's so much fun to watch. I'll try to upload a video if I can figure out how to do that!

Here are my works from Day 1:

Day 2 began with another demo, this time a pear still life:

Afterwards we worked with a model:

And one last painting before wrapping up the workshop:

Nancy raffled off her two demos, and I was lucky enough to have my name drawn for the pears!

I think Nancy's workshops are ideal for artists in the intermediate level category. She's not going to cover the basics but rather will help you see painting from a different perspective. She's great at managing edges, moving the paint around and thinking outside the box. She also brings in a few bottles of rose during lunch, which was a big hit with out class. Highly recommend!!


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