October 2020

       Photo of Piedmont Park taken on one of my walks

The focus is on the big election. I’m trying not to worry about it because I can’t control it. The only thing I can do is vote, which we did on a quiet Sunday morning at the High Museum. The world continues to battle Covid 19 and we’re now on Hurricane Eta. I saw someone on social media say they’d like to unsubscribe to the hurricane of the month club. Louisiana has gotten most of the action it seems, but we’re getting pieces of the storms in Atlanta. In fact, earlier this month a Bradford Pear tree snapped across the street from our home and knocked out power for several hours on Sunday morning. No one was hurt, no damage to cars or homes.

I’m still doodling, drawing nekkid people online and studying online with Elizabeth Floyd. I also participated in Inktober. Here are some photos of the work I completed in October.


RA Daily Doodle Challenge: draw a famous work of art like a toddler

#RADailyDoodle Challenge: Birthday portrait of Oscar Wilde

#RADailyDoodle Challenge: draw your favorite member of the Addams Family

Figure Drawing via Zoom with Cheryl Gould’s group and the Scottish Borders Drawing Club. Models are Rod, Valentina, Andrew Crayford and Safire, and Olja 

Oil Paintings - not as many right now because I’m working slower, more carefully

“VG Tulips” 16x12 oil on canvas - complete

Work in progress - struggling a bit with those highlights on the daisies

Working on my Chardin copy with Elizabeth Floyd’s online class

Completed copy of Chardin’s Tin Pitcher with Peaches (24x18) oil on canvas

New still life with Elizabeth Floyd’s class. Began this on October 27 and we’ll work on it for the next two Tuesdays. 20x16 oil on panel. I’m very happy with the way this is progressing. That Paul Revere pitcher looks pretty sweet. I’m happiest with the way the pitcher rounds in the front, thanks to that warm/orangey paint. The reflection of the bowl is in place on the pitcher. Next, I’ll add the reflection of the apples.

Otis and Julius make frequent Zoom appearances :) 
during my online study sessions with Elizabeth Floyd

I got some new art supplies ... so fun. Rosemary Brushes! And some oleo gel and Venetian medium from Rublev. Excited to see how these products work and what they can do to enhance glass and metal in paintings.

Oh ... how could I forget!! We also have a new family member, Miss Myrtle. Well, she’s not technically family, but she is hanging around a lot, especially at dinner time. I’m pretty sure she lives in the bushes behind our house. She shows up every night between 6:30 - 7 and stares at me through the window, waiting on food. She definitely has a wild look in her eyes. I’ll feed Myrtle as long as she hangs around. 

And here are some pics of Otis and Julius, who have no idea that Myrtle exists. 
That’s probably a good thing.


JuJu Bear


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