Fast & Furious Florals - Workshop

Meant to post about this a while back, but finally getting around to it.

The weekend after Labor Day I went to a "Fast and Furious Florals" workshop at Quinlan Arts Center in Gainesville, GA. This two day workshop was led by Melanie Morris. When I registered I somehow missed the part that this was an acrylics workshop instead of oils. Nevertheless, I was excited to pick up some tips on how to paint flowers and paint in a looser, less structured style.

We began with a demo from the instructor:

Melanie likes to begin her paintings with a bright underpainting in red, orange, pink, or blue. Once that dries, she draws in vine charcoal, then paints on top. A lot of people spray Fixative on top of the charcoal so it doesn't get picked up with the paint, but Melanie likes to pick up the charcoal.

I think these are really pretty florals. She definitely simplifies forms, and I definitely need to practice my simplification. She paints on panels, which also makes a big difference in the texture of the final painting.

Next we worked on color mixing --

And then we began our first painting. Melanie had lots of little arrangements for us to choose from. We also had a lot of choices with tissue paper for backgrounds. We each had our own lamp to light our subjects, which I loved.

That's my easel on the right. You can see the two paintings I completed on Day 1.

Day 2 picked up where we left off ...

Hydrangeas are a huge challenge for me. I'm determined to conquer these flowers some day!

I was really happy with this last one. And I love painting gerbera daisies.


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