David Boyd Workshop - Cartersville, GA - October 2018

I had one last workshop for 2018 ... "Urban Landscapes" with David Boyd at the Booth Art Academy in Cartersville, Georgia.

Urban Landscapes. What does that even mean? Basically it means painting buildings, doors, alleys, garbage cans, utility poles, streets, etc. That might sound odd, but I think it's cool because if you can make every day, ordinary things look beautiful, that's serious talent. And David Boyd is seriously talented. Aaaaand, he used to be a teacher, so he can also explain what he's doing and WHY he's doing it. I'm a big fan.

So helpful!!! Basic composition - yes, please. This is the kind of thing I want and need to learn. Followed by a demo.

You can see in the photo above that he's laying out his paint in a raw umber-ish color. No real color yet. Just focusing on value and composition. And he's staying loose. Once the rough draft is settled, he adds his color. Warms and cools, lost and found edges. Not too detailed. Gorgeous.

He did such a great job of explaining his process, decisions and choices.

The downside of this workshop was that it was still hotter than ballz in Cartersville (90+ degrees) in October :((((, but as you can see in my first picture, I found a spot of shade. And we painted in the mornings when it was cooler and had instruction in the later afternoons when it was boiling.

I was very happy with the way I painted. Overall, for the year, I'd say my two most helpful workshops were David's and Bill Davidson's.


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