March 2022

Savannah Plein Air Paint Out

Workshop with Kathie Odom 

From my first plein air competition in Savannah to my second workshop with Kathie Odom, March was a wild ride! I began the month by painting at Colony Square’s Mardi Gras celebration. I have a large abstract piece on view at Colony Square, so it’s always fun to paint in the heart of Midtown.


Our Virginia Highland Plein Air group has really taken off. It wasn’t that long ago that the group consisted of Andy, Butchie and me. Nowadays it’s not uncommon for us to have a group of 8-10. I love it. It’s exciting to see artists so enthusiastic about painting outside, and I’m even more amazed by how the public responds to us when we’re out in the wild. People are very curious about what we’re doing and they’re always incredibly supportive and complimentary of our work. 

On Tuesdays I paint with a different group, much smaller and in more rural settings. We go to farms, parks and nature preserves in the Roswell/Marietta area. It’s a nice change from painting in the city.

Here are some photos of my set ups and paintings in various locations this month:

All of my Tuesday/Thursday plein air sessions were priming me for the big event in Savannah: my first plein air competition. I didn’t know what to expect and I don’t know Savannah very well, so I was a little anxious. Adding to my anxiety, it rained on Thursday, so we weren’t able to scout locations. But there was no time to fret because Friday morning began with a bang. Actually it was more like a toll, as the church in the square chimed out ten bell rings and concluded at noon with twelve more.  

After setting up in three different locations, I settled on the Sorrel Weed House. The light was changing so dang fast I was a bundle of nerves and couldn’t get situated. There’s so much shade, so much dappled light … every time I blinked something different was lit by the sun. It was tough. And I was so panicky about the two-hour time limit that I was slinging paint as fast as lightning. I ended up finishing in an hour, and honestly, when I stepped back and looked at my painting I really liked it. But once I set up my painting with the others (much more experienced!), I knew I was a long ways off from winning an award. 

There were 42 artists, quite a few from Atlanta. Most of the artists have at least 10 years or more experience than I have. Several of them are regularly invited artists at plein air invitationals. But hey, I have to start somewhere. I learned A LOT over the two day adventure: I need to work on trees, composition, slowing down and honestly, I just need more experience out in the field. 

Later that afternoon I set up at the Rose All Day House near Forsyth Park. I had no idea the home had a name, but I was smitten with all of the beautiful shades of pink! And I do love a glass of rose :)

Saturday morning we painted in Lafayette Square. I decided to paint the fountain and as I was painting it a couple got married right before my very eyes. After the short ceremony, a member of the wedding party walked over and asked to purchase my painting to give to the newly married couple. It absolutely made my day. I’m still walking on air. What an honor to be a part of their day. The power of art!

Saturday afternoon I set up in Madison Square, near where we had to turn in our paintings, and painted a Savannah trolley car.

All in all, it was a fantastic experience. I learned a lot, met so many nice people, and I really enjoyed Savannah. As a native South Carolinian I’ve always been very partial to Charleston, and I think for many years Savannah tried to be Charleston, but the two cities are quite different. It seems to me that Savannah has finally embraced its own unique look and feel and it’s SO charming!!! I loved being there. 

One last note: on the way to Savannah and back home we listened to podcasts that featured Kevin MacPherson. Kevin is a living legend and has great advice for plein air painters. One of his suggestions is to paint 100 paintings in a 6x8 format, no more than 30 minutes, practicing big shapes and composition, so that’s what I intend to do over the next several months. 

In addition to Colony Square, I have paintings up at the Acworth Arts Alliance, and the Big Shanty in Kennesaw (see February post for photos). Andy scored us some exhibit space at the Virginia Highland Bookstore, so we installed 12 paintings there earlier this month. 

We are in peak plein air season, but I made time to paint abstractly and squeezed in a few studio pieces:

1/100 - 8x6 oil on panel

2/100: Good for the Goose

My second plein air competition, my third quick paint competition, a bunch of 6x8s and a few other surprises!

I know you’re really here for cat photos and not art so here are some snaps of my little monkeys. I’m not labeling them this time. Can you tell the difference between Otis and JuJu?

Phone cords are yummy :)

Thank you for stopping by! See you in April!


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