June 2024

The Atlanta sauna is on full blast, baby! We’re only a few days into summer and it’s already miserable. As a result, I’ll be painting at home through the end of August. I have a ton of ideas to work on, lots of experiments to test, so I’m as happy as Prince Louis at a parade.


Three pieces of news for June:

1. I began my Artist in Residence program at the Fulton County Library - Central Location. The library was remodeled several years ago and is *packed* with amenities, including 3 artist studios on the first floor and another artist space on the ground floor. My fellow artists include former NBA basketball player, Joe Barry Carroll, Latrice Boatswain, and Paul Leroy. 

After considering a number of options, I’ve decided to focus on drawing during the residency. The architecture, lighting and lines of the library are really cool, plus there are so many interesting people milling about. And it would be very easy to hang some of the work - just sketch and tape to the walls. 

2. I have more than a dozen flower paintings available at Archimbault Interiors in Madison, Georgia! When I was in Madison for Georgia Color, I painted the exterior of this cute little shop. The owner and staff were so nice and supportive, and I love their style. Hoping this will be the right fit. Fingers crossed.

3. For the third year in a row, I’ve been accepted into Georgia Color. There were a record number of applicants this year, and it seems like the competition gets tougher every year. I think about the fact that people I know applied and didn’t get in. So when artists announce that they were selected for the competition, people who didn’t get in are in the strange position of congratulating the people who beat them. It’s NOT easy to congratulate people who got in when you didn’t. I’ve been on both sides, I get it. I apply and submit for things and don’t get in all the time! 


I completed a commission for a local realtor. He wanted a Piedmont Park painting to give to his client at closing. It was so much fun. Not all commissions are fun. This one was fun. 

Scott and I spiffed up the sunroom with a new rug, then I spent the afternoon organizing stuff. 

Daniel and I painted at his studio one afternoon and had the best time. I love Daniel. He surprised me with a 60x48 canvas to paint on! And he brought champagne and the best dance music. We had a blast, painting, laughing, dancing and geeking out on art.

Terry set up a painting day for us at Briarlake Forest. Her buddy is one of the key volunteers and she brought snacks and drinks for us. It was really nice. 

Kathy helped me with the newest installation of VHPAP art at Virginia Highland Books. We’ve had a few sales from each installation, so hoping that trend continues. I don’t know what I would do without Kathy. She’s so solid, so professional, so reliable and a team player. And she helped me get my teaching job at Acworth, and I don’t think I can ever thank her enough for that. 

And I’m painting every day at home - various things but mostly flowers, still lifes. Still life set ups can be pretty predictable, so I’m trying to mix things up a little with lighting and bold color choices. I’ve shared some of my reference images with a friend or two, so if you happen to see some of my vases and cloths in your social media feeds, well, now you know where they came from :) 


Never in a million years did I expect teaching to be so rewarding. The Binders class is small but enthusiastic. Acworth is full and very hard working. My students range from 17 to 93. It’s very inspiring and they keep me on my toes. I’ve also picked up a new private lesson student. The Acworth situation is so professionally managed, good lighting, etc, so I’m thinking about just focusing on Acworth going forward.

My 93 year old student keeps us all on our toes. She’s so funny … kinda salty, a little grumpy but insatiably curious and a very good note taker. On Wednesday I gave them 5 or 6 images to choose from and she chose a cow. Her initial drawing was easily the best she’s done so far but she was still not satisfied. The man next to her complimented her drawing and said, “You must like cows.” And she replied, “I do! I do like cows! Unfortunately I’m not around them as much as I’d like.” And everyone giggled. And then very quietly and dryly she added, “Kinda like men.” And we all DIED laughing. At that moment I said, “OK! Class dismissed!” Too funny.


I’ve picked up a few extra docent shifts lately to try and hit my goal of 25 tours for the academic year. I think I can get there. On Friday I toured a group of 2nd and 3rd graders and they were adorable. One said, “Where’s the Mona Lisa?” I get asked that all the time. We focused on abstract art for this tour because afterwards, they go to a workshop and make layered art. So to prepare them for the workshop, I showed them this work by Adolph Gottlieb:

… and I said, “I’m gonna tell you a secret … there are a lot of grown ups who see paintings like this and they say - Oh, that’s easy. I could do that!” What do you think about that? And one little girl said - that’s impossible because the idea came from the artist and it was in their brain, their imagination. Whattttt??? I said, “are you an artist yourself?” And she nodded and said yes. Goosebumps. There’s always one in every group. Unfortunately, it’s usually just one or two who get it. But when they do, my heart skips a beat. Those are my people.


OOOoooof, the highs and lows of pottery. I’ve tried making bowls multiple times and every single one of them cracks in the same place - right where the base of the bowl hits the wall of the bowl. That seam will be the death of me. I’ve reinforced it, slabbed it … I’m at a loss. But my soap dish, spoon rest and little dish all turned out perfectly. Most of all, it’s just fun to be there, making something, laughing with Kate.

I have a few more irons in the fire that I’m not quite ready to talk about. It’s funny, the rumor mill runs HOT, baby! … and word ALWAYS gets back to me! Don’t expect to be tipped off on what I’m up to, but keep watchin cause things are gonna be really fun for the next six months.


We have a fun trip planned! Like I said, no spoilers here! As usual, I’m including photos of my sweet babies. Unless you really want to see some adorable feline photo shoots, this wraps up June. Stay cool!


Otis has gotten used to me being home more often, so around 3:30 or 4:00 he saunters downstairs and hops in my lap to flirt and snuggle. Best part of the day. 




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