May 2024

                                         L to R: with Albert Handell, Jacob Aguiar, Buddy Odom and Michelle Held

May!!!!! It really is hard to find the words to explain how impactful it was to attend the Plein Air Convention and Expo (PACE). It’s like slipping into a bubble for a week. A bubble that is filled with learning, growing, experimenting, old and new friends, encouragement, validation and so much more. From the moment we arrived at the hotel I knew we had left the planet. Kathy and I were struggling with our bags and a lady we’d never met offered to help us carry a bag to our room - Lori from Savannah. And now we are friends. When was the last time a stranger helped you with a bag? A stranger who wanted nothing in return except to help. Artists are the kindest, nicest people! (Most of them!)

I laughed so much it hurt. We had almost no time for ourselves, no time to rest, no time to check email or social media. We were up at 6:15 and most nights didn’t go to bed until 10:30pm. The pace was breakneck, but it was so worth it.



Pictures with Michelle, Kathie Odom, Kathy Forbes, Greg Barnes, Molly Schmid, Eric Rhoads and Richie Vios.  

Most of the demos I saw were very helpful, although there were a few presenters who spent more time talking about themselves than explaining how they paint, and that’s frustrating.

On our first full day I watched Jacob Aguiar’s demo and his process felt very similar to mine. He said he usually does his underpainting with water instead of alcohol or Gamsol because the water had a different effect than the others. So I’ll try that this week. I also enjoyed Lyn Diefenbach’s demo because the scene she painted looked so similar to the creeks we see in Georgia, despite the fact that she was painting a scene from near her home in Australia. 

We went to a nearby park and I set up to paint a beautiful tree that was being hit with streaks of late afternoon sunlight. Nearby, Kathy was set up painting in open acrylics, while chatting with Albert Handell and Eric Rhoads and watching elk graze in the field in front of us … magical.

Not too long after setting up and sketching, Jacob walked by so I said hi and asked for feedback. He suggested that I consider painting a 6x12 on my 9.5x12 pastelmat to emphasize the height of the tree. Yes of course, that made so much sense! And then I painted. He came back several times to check on me and was very pleased with how I was painting. He asked me if I teach pastels and I told him no, not yet. He said, “You need to teach pastels.” Soooooo that’s pretty amazing. It was the first time a professional pastelist has given me feedback on my work. I needed that feedback. Badly.

Buddy Odom (world famous husband of Kathie) visited with me a bunch during the week. He’s so friendly and supportive. And then there’s my girl, Michelle. We had so much fun together. I don’t have many relationships like the one I have with her. There’s so much trust and I truly feel like I can be myself and talk to her about things I can’t discuss with other people. If we’d met at a different time in our lives, I’m not sure it would have been the same. Hard to explain, but again, I’m just so thankful for her support, enthusiasm, passion and friendship.  


PACE is so much more than demos and painting. It’s about being with your people, networking, sharing ideas over dinner and laughing … a lot! I am counting the days until next year’s convention at Lake Tahoe.

Scott drove up from Atlanta on Friday and met me and Michelle for lunch at a restaurant near the Biltmore where we painted/sketched earlier that day. Michelle took off for home and we spent the rest of Memorial Day weekend playing in Asheville. What a cool town. I would give anything for Atlanta to have an art scene like Asheville. Pottery, paintings, sculpture, textiles, galleries galore. We LOVVVVED it. Oh and it’s also home to the best used bookstore I’ve ever known, Battery Park Book Exchange. I bought 4 books. Do I need any more art books? No. But could I pass these up??? NOOOOO.


You probably think of sculpture when you think of Remington, but he painted some of the most gorgeous paintings I’ve seen. And many of them are in shades of black and white with just a few dashes of yellow ochre. And then there’s Gerome. Good Lord, what a painter. And the last book is filled with techniques and information on how to achieve certain looks and strokes. 

Art is everywhere in Asheville … even on the bathroom doors!


Evelyn and I teamed up with my friend and neighbor, Daniel, to show flower paintings at the Midtown Garden Stroll. I always learn something from Daniel, a new way to do something, a big idea, possibilities I’d never considered. He’s a “dream big” kinda guy. And Evelyn is one of the nicest people on the planet. We didn’t sell much, but everyone was very complimentary of our work. We joked that people were using our display as a step and repeat. 

The garden stroll is easily one of my favorite Atlanta events, and I feel very fortunate that the headquarters is less than a block from our home :) Lucky us!


Another highlight from this month was a painting retreat at Little Ocmulgee State Park. The cabins are brand spankin new and they’re SO nice! I loved sitting on the back porch, breeze blowin’, alligators swimming in the lake behind us and painting. I took pastels and experimented with different subject matter and I was very happy with how things turned out.

Earlier this week my group painted in Virginia Highlands. I’m always so encouraged when I paint there because people are so kind and get so excited when they see us. And a painting of Moe’s and Joe’s is always a crowd favorite! I’ll finish this one up next week and send it to the bookstore.

Our exhibition at the Epiphany Gallery closes next week. It was a great experience and we sold several paintings. 


My Drawing Fundamentals course is going so well and I’m completely blown away by the progress and passion of the students. They inspire and challenge me! This summer I’ll be teaching on Saturdays at Binders in Buckhead. Hoping this will catch the eyes of folks who cannot be in a class on Monday afternoons. And my group at Acworth has grown so much that we may outgrow our classroom and move into a bigger room. How bout that!


Yep, I’m still in hand building at Spruill. My work is still fairly rough and rudimentary, but I don’t care. It’s fun and I know that just like with painting - it takes time to improve and there are no shortcuts.


I’ve been waiting for June! Yes, I’ll be teaching a lot, but I will have so much more time to work on paintings. I have an upcoming artist in residence that I’ll tell you more about next month, and I need to get ready for that. It’s such an exciting time and I see so many possibilities. I’m more fired up about painting than ever. Let’s see what happens next!


Pretty sure that O-doggie was mad at me for leaving him for a week. He has barely left my side since we got home from Asheville. 

Hope your summer is off to a great start. I’ll see you back here in a few weeks.


“Is that what I really look like, Mom?”



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