Oil Painting - Heels

My teacher, Karen, has turned me onto a lot of painters I'd never either a) heard of or b) fully appreciated.

Exhibit A: Kelly Reemtsen

I almost felt weak in the knees when I saw her paintings. If there is such a thing as an art crush, I have one on her.

And I'm a big fan of copying the masters because it's universally accepted that this is the very best way to learn how to paint and draw. When I began painting in 2014 with "Aunt" Carolyn, she said that when she was learning to paint she did nothing but copy the masters for 2 years straight - no original works, just copies.

You know what's coming, right? Yeah, I copied my art crush.

The original masterpiece:

And my work as it progressed.

I used the ruler/grid system for drawing the elements of the painting.

And you can see here, that I'm painting the forefront of the shoe in a dark, rich red so that I can add the lighter values, textures, accents on top. 'Cause it's all about the base, right?

I love everything about it. Where's my chainsaw?


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